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General terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions (GTC)
Mark's Miniatures General Conditions and the law differ, we always live up to the law.

We handle the Dutch General conditions. This English version is only a free translation. We are not responsible for errors in the translation.

article 1: Applicability

* 1.1 When entering into an agreement, placing an order or provide a purchase at any time are the general conditions apply, unless this is waived in writing. Entering into an agreement, placing an order or provide a purchase agree that you accept the terms and conditions.

Article 2: Agreements

2.1 A contract is only concluded after acceptance of your order by Mark's Miniatures. Mark's Miniatures is justified in certain circumstances to commit to a delivery or to refuse orders, unless otherwise specified. If this occurs Mark's Miniatures shares this within seven (7) days after receiving the order.

2.2 Some products may be offered on terms that these products only for educational purposes may be used interchangeably. By ordering or purchasing this product you declare that you agree with it.

2.3 Some products may be sold under specific conditions mentioned. By ordering or purchasing this product you declare that you agree with it.

Article 3: Prices and Payments

3.1 The prices quoted are exclusive of postage and packing and handling costs unless otherwise stated or agreed in writing.

3.2 Payment must be made for the entire invoice amount including shipping and handling costs unless otherwise agreed

3.3 Payment must be made in the currency on the invoice mentioned.

3.4 Payment must take place in advance through available ways of payment.

3.5 If the payment period of 30 days you will be excessed negligent omission.Mark 's Miniatures hereby reserves the right to cancel the order and charge twenty (20) euro administration costs.

3.6 If any payment
will be excessed negligent omission, Mark's Miniatures is entitled to (proceedment) the agreement and related agreements to suspend or cancel.

Article 4: Delivery

4.1 All deliveries are done within the rules and law. In general, the goods will be shipped within two working days after payment received.

Article 5: Claims and liability

5.1 You are obliged to supply the following products to determine whether they comply with the agreement. If this is not the case, as soon as possible and in any event within fourteen (14) days after delivery and motivated to display.

5.2 If it is demonstrated that the products do not meet the agreement, Mark's Miniatures choice by returning the product to be replaced or the invoice value of this product to be refunded.

5.3 If you have a product for whatever reason do not wish to purchase, you have the right within fourteen (14) days from delivery to return Mark's Miniatures. Returns are only accepted if the packaging of the product is undamaged. The full costs of return will be on your account.

5.4 After the products are received by Mark's Miniatures and checked for damage Mark's Miniatures will proceed to refund the payment. Mark's Miniatures will refund within 7 working days after receipt.

Article 6: Force Majeure

6.1 Without prejudice to its other rights accruing to have Mark's Miniatures in cases of force majeure the right, at its option, the execution of your order to suspend or terminate the contract without judicial intervention., Zulkd find this written Share and without Mark's Miniatures liable to pay any damages. Unless this is not by the standards of reasonableness and fair.

6.2 Force majeure is defined as any failure can not be attributed Mark's Miniatures, because it is not due to her fault and not under the law, legal action or generally accepted at its expense.

Article 7: Miscellaneous

7.1 You shall never be entitled to enforce on the grounds that Mark's Miniatures general terms and conditions flexibly. Mark's Miniatures may at any time apply to direct and strict compliance with the terms and conditions requirements.

7.2 If one or more of the provisions of these terms and conditions or any other agreement with Mark's Miniatures conflict with any applicable law, the provision concerned shall lapse and will be replaced by one from Mark's Miniatures determining new law admissible similar provision.

7.3 Mark's Miniatures is entitled to the execution of your order (s) use of third parties.

Article 8: Applicable law and jurisdiction

8.1 All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these Conditions apply, including these conditions, apply to only Dutch law.

8.2 All disputes between parties will be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.


Mark's Miniatures takes much care to update and keep it acurate.  By technical jammings, wrong supplied information and other causes things can go wrong. For this reason use of is at own risk. Mark' s Miniatures are in an absolutely no manner responsible for the contents, comparisons and interpretations of the contents, comparisons and results of the Internet sites which by Mark' s Miniatures are used and/or by means of hyperlinks as from can be visited. Prices, (product) specifications and remaining information can possible be wrong or have been carelessly reflected, as a result of which misunderstandings can arise at the visitors. Mark' s Miniatures are in an absolutely no manner responsible for in what kind of manner after consulting the Internet site of Mark' s Miniatures and to that the hyperlinked Internet sites arisen damage.

See also our generall term and conditions